Ford Mustang GT 4.6L 2Valve 1996-2004 Chrome Plated 15/8" Long Tube Headers
The MAC Long Tube Headers for the 1996-2004 GT will fit Both the 5 Speed and Automatic Transmissions.
The MAC Long Tube Headers have 1 5/8" Primary Tubes with 2 1/2" Collectors. MAC Headers are made with 16 Gauge Steel with Single Port Flangesto Prevent Loosening that may occur with Flame Cut Solid Flange Headers. The MAC True Fit Collectors Eliminate gaskets which are prone to Leak. All MAC Headers Retain Emmissions and come with Threaded Flanges on the Collectors.
TF9625 Headers will Include:
**1996-2004 4.6L 2Valve GT +16.9 Rear Wheel HP**
MAC Long Tube Headers are Designed for Off-Road Use Only! Headers are not intended for Street Use!
Model | Year(s) |
Mustang GT | 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 |